
Showing posts from February, 2010

Never Forget...

My droogs and only friends in this god forsaken foul fell world... It has come to my attention that there are some who think you should forget the distant days of youth... can you think WHY they might say this?... DONT do that... DONT listen to them... NEVER forget your past, and more, never forget she, our goddess, the pyramid and all those memories pertaining to her... Those days on that wonderfully designed estate were the best days of our lives... We who know know how fortunate we were to experience those times... LISTEN to me,oh my brothers, Mensforth who knows the truth... AMEN...

The pyramid (she walked in beauty)

I cant stop thinking about her...I miss her so much...hence I composed this past tense version of that wondeful poet's present tense poem...: 'She walked in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies And all t'was best of dark and bright Met in her aspect, and her eyes...' Lord Byron (past tense)

Mensforths photo of 4th picture of 8th wonder of the world

My photo has more detail, in that you can see the full image of the woman(note the 60's minskirt!) and the Ryder and Yates reference in calling the estate North Kenton Estate, not as it became, 'Kenton Bar Estate'... Thank you to RIBA for the photo... Kenton Bar Pyramid Appreciation Society

Rhetorical questions about the pyramid

When it snowed, did the snow lie on the pyry, or did it just either a)not lie due to the cold 1" grey tiling or b) slide off when enough of it fell due to the 45 degree vertices?... Did the pyry always feel cold to the touch or did the 1" tiles heat up in the sun?... What was the sound of the water falling off the blue bit into the lake bit like, a trickling stream, a cascading waterfall or a raging torrent of floodwater?... Were the residents consulted before they made the decision to demolish the pyramid?... Was the pyramid an integral part of the design of the estate?, or was it added on a whim of one or both of the architects?... avid readers, please feel free to add any other rhetorical questions...

RIBA exhibition

Only 10 days left to go and see the Studdon Walk/Laverock Place model, plans of electric houses and and much more...seize the day! Kenton Bar Pyramid Appreciation Society


OY! Listen!... I have a new lead for the holy grail etc etc but I need your help and I need it now! (before tomorrow)...anyone tell me when exactly Kenton Bar Estate was built? 1969? most important... Shades?...Master?...anyone ?...

6th photo of 8th wonder of the world

Here it is... utter awe and wonder, yes?... Look at the clarity and detail of the holy grail... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Kenton Bar Pyramid Appreciation Society

so close....

2 minutes...

Plans of electric type houses

Friends of the blog, Here are 3 photos I took at the RIBA exhibition showing the design spec of the electric only type houses on the estate.Wonderfully detailed and of veritable art... should Feb 13th be Pyry day? much upped!...remember, 7:00pm!...

RIBA exhibition:Hybrid model of Kenton Bar Estate

Avid readers: Here as promised are my photos of this wonderful hybrid model of Kenton Bar is not of a specific part of the estate, and clearly the model maker has been granted poetic licence to come up with this hybrid mish-match of types of housing found on the come on then, what can you identify!

6th photo of 8th wonder of the world...

avid readers, It will be upped at 7:00pm UK time tonight...droogs, get beers in, throw a '6th photo of the 8th wonder of the world' party! prepared for utter awe and wonder at this crystal clear photo of the whole estate...and the holy grail... To me this is the equivalent of new year's eve... I would very much appreciate it if, while we await, anyone who follows this blog would comment to let the master(el Patron) know how much we appreciate his efforts in creating this blog.... I would like to start:master, I thank you for giving me a purpose to mein miserable I have a purpose for living...your humble servant, Mensforth...

T1A 1960's

A wonderful photo... Lets play 'Where's Wally'... Can you spot: A woman walking east? A kid walking east? A woman walking south?...

COMING SOON...The 6th picture of the 8th wonder of the world!

YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!!!! I have it! The 6th picture of the 8th wonder of the world! Let me tell you it is beautiful...a crystal clear arial photo of the WHOLE ESTATE and..THE HOLY GRAIL! It came from noble kind Ryder Architects (thank you so much!) Let me tell you truly, tears welled in mein eyes at the black and white photo, as I zoomed in and, with trembling rooker(hand) moved the mouse to see there...herself, her majesty the pyramid, her beauty beyond belief...I had another Terminator T-X moment...the photo is taken I am sure from the same aeroplane/helicopter that took the photo kindly donated to the blog by Jolyone Yates...but it is not the same...looks like a shot maybe a few seconds later as the aeroplane/helicopter moved across the can tell because 100% of the holy grail is visible...there is so much to soon as the master watermarks this I will up it for you, oh avid readers...YES, YES, YES!!!!

Droogs - it's been a while.......

...............but terribly busy these days. Glad to see some more banter about Kenton Bar and so on and it has been a great month for the blog - what with that susprise contact from no less a person than the son of the late Mr. Yates and Mensfoprth gathering a lot of info from RIBA and the Reinvigoratig the Region exhibition - phew hardly time to breath. All this AND some new pyramid pics. I will be back soon after my holidays and I have some more stuff from Jolyon Yates to post - lets hope he comes up with some more good stuff!!! Still searching for:- The Holy Grail - a real high quality pyramid picture or the plans/architects drawings for the pyramid itself The Ark of The Covenant - a picture of the pump room beneath the holy pyramid

Ted Nicklin

Here is the 3rd genius who helped create our wonderful Kenton Bar Estate... Ted Nicklin, third partner and later co partner and engineer...if we could of only been privy to those conversations betwixt him, Gordon and Peter as the estate was designed and built...alas Gordon and Peter have passed on to a better place...what about Ted?... I wonder what he might have been talking about here?....

Dogs on Kenton Bar Estate

Avid readers, back in those glorious days of halcyon youth most people kept a dog...but most people didn't bother to 'walk' their dog, they just 'let them out' when the dog wanted to go for a it was not uncommon to see dogs just wandering/lying about the estate...more, when we were kids everyone just'played out' in big gangs, usually linked to where you lived obviously, so the posh kids up the top end played lacrosse,polo,sword fighting and chess, the normals round the middle played footy, fox and hounds, duffs whilst the ghastly ruffians and bounder types down the bottom spent their time menacing,lurking and vandalising...Incidently as a matter of uninterest these fell creatures were not often out and about during the day...they preferred the darkness of night... If by chance they were out before sunset they lurked about in the alleys down there in the shadows...they liked not the light. However I digress: what would happen is that your 'dog...

Thornton Gill, Peterlee

We have another possible thread from the RIBA exhibition for futher investigation...thank you RIBA!

Demolition of Thirston Way Garages=...Turnips!

I remember my mam telling me that when they demolished the north block(but south facing ) block of garages at Thirston Way on Kenton Bar Estate they re-seeded the land for grass...however apparently the seeds contained turnip seeds(or some such root vegetable) and a fine crop sprouted!-I can't recall if this story made the chronicle, but I will endevour to find out...Incidently, why did they demolish the north block/south facing garages, eh?.......master, do you recall this incident?....