Droogs - it's been a while.......

...............but terribly busy these days. Glad to see some more banter about Kenton Bar and so on and it has been a great month for the blog - what with that susprise contact from no less a person than the son of the late Mr. Yates and Mensfoprth gathering a lot of info from RIBA and the Reinvigoratig the Region exhibition - phew hardly time to breath. All this AND some new pyramid pics. I will be back soon after my holidays and I have some more stuff from Jolyon Yates to post - lets hope he comes up with some more good stuff!!!

Still searching for:-

  • The Holy Grail - a real high quality pyramid picture or the plans/architects drawings for the pyramid itself
  • The Ark of The Covenant - a picture of the pump room beneath the holy pyramid


  1. Master, dont forget the Sudarium of Oviedo...(a plan of the concrete maps of Kenton Bar)...

  2. I'd be happy with the Rosetta stone- a lump of concrete with some grey 1" mosaic tiles cemented onto it.

  3. Shades, do you mean the pyry?...I'm seeing small tiles in my memory now... I'd forgotten about that...was that how it was covered?...what about the blue bit to the east of it then?....(where the water cascaded over)...was that square tiles?...I bet if you could get Tony Robinson and time team to excavate the site, there'd be loads of stuff!
    Master: New task:
    Contact time team...

  4. I imagine that it took a couple of weeks to demolish all that concrete and clear the site but most of it would have been taken away to use as hardcore.

    People must have watched (and wept) because it must have been a big task.

    Yes, the blue bit was 1" mosaic tiling exactly the same as the pyramid was 1" grey tiling.

    I suspect that all that remains under the soil are the lower walls of the pump chamber, the 6' deep sump and the return pipe that went to the corner of the school.


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