
I have a new lead for the holy grail etc etc but I need your help and I need it now! (before tomorrow)...anyone tell me when exactly Kenton Bar Estate was built? 1969? most important...
Shades?...Master?...anyone ?...


  1. The book lists the project date as 1965. We moved there late 1968 and it was in the late stages of completion then. The pyramid was built but not fitted out.

  2. very good, very useful on a secret mission for the blog to Darlo(Darlington) tomorrow...fingers crossed...more details later...

  3. In fact I can remember that most of the blue tiles were laid but there were two large rectangles either side of the drop on the tilted bit that were awaiting screed and tiles.

    I imagine that the water was turned on in the Summer holiday of 1969 as there were loads of kids around to watch and the builders didn't really work at the weekends.

  4. avid mensforth's secret mission...
    I failed :(
    all will be revealed tomorrow...but...having said that there is a glimmer of hope...nothing is absolutely shattered...

  5. More on Mensforth's secret mission:

    Avid readers, what happened was my kind and noble contact at Ryder pointed out to me that in the R&Y book reference is made to the estate being 'extensively reported in the Northern Echo...'and suggested the edition might have been digitised and would be found in the archives dept at Darlington Library.. I rushed down there yesterday and started looking at the microfilm from 1969...a shot in the dark, but alas a futile one...after 2.5 hours I had to give in, mein eyes rolling up/down/left/right-have you ever spent 2.5 hours looking at one of those things?!
    The one good thing is we now know for certain that 1969 was not the year, as I checked all the data for that what we need to try to find out is :
    what year (and usefully month)did the Northern Echo run the feature...then we can easily open Tutankhamun's tomb and unearth vast if you have the book(alas I do not) please find this reference and let the blog know...

  6. 'Top people's rents for new Estate', Northern echo, Friday 17th January 1964.

  7. well done Shades!-was this then in the R&Y book?...
    I will sort this out...

  8. Yes, it is a footnote to a quote made by Ryder at the end of the chapter. Shame your Ryder contact didn't look a little more closely as it might have saved you a wasted trip.

    Bear in mind this was before the Estate was built so if the article is illustrated it will be artists impressions.

  9. Even more on Mensforth's secret mission:
    Well, actually it's not secret anymore is it?...damm it...
    I can confirm that Tutankhamun,s tomb does NOT lie in the archives at Darlington :(
    The Northern Echo microfilm there for January 1964 does not have this treasure...
    However, the IS still hope...I have now a new lead that there may be a Northern Echo Durham edition housed at Durham Library, where there may lie the tomb... or that the Northern Echo Newspaper might be able to shed some light as to any differences in editions in 1969 and where the Newcastle one may be...If its mentioned in the R&Y book, as a footnote it must be in bloody existance some bloody where!...and I, Mensforth will find it!!!
    Watch this space...

  10. Of course, there is always the possibility that the reference in the R&Y book is wrong.

    It might be worthwhile tracking down Rutter Carroll, the author.

  11. Excellent suggestion Shades...
    The master or I will chase this up...keep them coming!


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