A description of Kenton Bar - From Northern Architecture 1968

Thanks to our correspondents D and K, I have the following nugget to share from the Northern Architecture 1968 article.


The development of 81 acres of land to provide housing, schools, public house and open space.

Ryder and Yates and Partners, Architects and Engineers, in collaboration with the City Architect.


The site is on the western edge of the main built-up area about 3 1/2 miles from the city centre. The main axis runs north-south, and falls in two planes, steeply (1 in 11) to the north apart from a fine central plateau. There are excellent long views of the Cheviot Hills. This north slope creates interesting problems with its conflict between orientation and aspect. The road and pedestrian framework has been designed to provide the shorter paths for pedestrians, while the roads feed-in radially from the perimeter. An area of 17 1/2 acres of additional playing fields was required and this was placed so as to draw pedestrians through the open square where the public buildings are grouped. At this point, the two form entry primary schools and two nursery schools are placed as to be within 1/4 mile of any dwelling on the site. A variety of play areas for different ages are scattered throughout the scheme and in the central square taller buildings containing flats shelter the shopping centre. Each house has it's own garage and 50% hard standing is also provided. Parker Morris standards apply throughout the 632 dwellings and the density is 70 person per acre


  1. I am in seventh heaven...(I am a ghost and there is a heaven believe me)...looking at that sketch at the top of this post...reminds me of say... Beal Green...how bloody beautiful...this has made my day...thank you D & K for bringing happiness to an old man(ghost) in his twilight years!...the synopsis of the rational for the estate is also most informative...pure gold!...what a wonderful place to live!...thank thou!

  2. Master:
    what about tee-shirts with the sketch on for for followers of this blog?-can we do it?

  3. Dude - the graphics are too small for tee-shits unless you wanted it as a logo type only - like on the breast.

  4. Oh come come...surely there is a way of em blazing it right across a tee-shirt lovely and big rectangle as it looks here?-come on master, nothing is impossible!!!


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