An Important Detail – Stepped Pyramids

On my recent holiday to Tirana, Albania, I happened to stop off in Newcastle for a brief five minute transit. The only flights to Tirana as it happens are from Newcastle International Airport – Newcastle being Tirana’s twin city. I took the time to stop by on Kenton Bar Estate and took the following photos…..
2011-07-10 17.32.162011-07-10 17.33.14
Now –  an important detail missed by all but me. If you notice that the pyramids are modular in nature, that is made up of regular and identical sections all joined together somehow to form the pyramid. I speculate that pyramids of almost any size, material strength aside, could have been constructed. I wanted to find out how these modules were joined, so taking my trusty rock hammer proceeded to chip away at one of the joints. Lo and behold I came across this:-
Clearly showing how the parts are bolted together.
GOM – now that you know the nature of the building blocks I demand that you construct a mould in your garden and replicate a stepped pyramid in all it’s glory.
My quest for a picture of the climbing frame in Kenton Bar park is continuing.


  1. gorgeous and gorgeosity made flesh...most wonderful photos...and thou hast identified the overseen bolt joint...well done thou!

  2. I seem to remember that there are rectangular "fishplates" linking vertically sandwiched between these bolted plates to make the structure solid. (The ones you see are spreader plates).

    (The concrete filling the gaps wouldn't have any structural strength with young urchins swinging from the top of a 3-2-1).

  3. Does "Tom T" stand for Tom Tit? IE Cockney rhyming slang for shit?


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