A little anecdote. My Daddy used to take snuff – in fact he was a snuff advocate espousing it’s virtues whenever he could. He would get his snuff, via my sister, from a snuff shop in London on Old Bond Street. Snuff had a nice smell – and it made your nose itch. Daddy used to share this with me when I was about 13 years old AND also Mensforth too. A little factoid about snuff:- My Uncle Don who worked for Parsons foo many many years told me this tale. When he was an apprentice at Parsons the shop foreman used to give every apprentice a pinch of snuff on a Friday afternoon. Uncle Don worked out that if you pinched a sixpence between finger and thumb for a few minutes that it would leave a dimple in your fingertips – hence before he went for his Friday afternoon pinch he would grip the coin, make the dimples and therefore get an extra large pinch of snuff!! – Now that is innovation! If you recognise ANY of these two anecdotes then you may be able to deduce the identity of El Pa...