Spud & Woodpecker Cider
The blog received the following email from some anonymous riff raff no doubt concerning the appropriation of woodpecker cider from Goldfinch Wines...how dreadful:
'hyea man,....it was spud who worked oot that all yu needed tu de wos tu get tuw peecis uv wood aboot a meeta long ind put them thru the leeta box, wich was massive man,then yu cud just leek clamp the cida ind pull it tuw the massive leta box man.then all you had tu de was put yu hand in ind grab doon ind choir/tax/hoist the cida ha ha ha if yuz wuntid mor wy yu just did it aal owa again ha ha ha'
'hyea man,....it was spud who worked oot that all yu needed tu de wos tu get tuw peecis uv wood aboot a meeta long ind put them thru the leeta box, wich was massive man,then yu cud just leek clamp the cida ind pull it tuw the massive leta box man.then all you had tu de was put yu hand in ind grab doon ind choir/tax/hoist the cida ha ha ha if yuz wuntid mor wy yu just did it aal owa again ha ha ha'
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