If there is hope it lies with the proles 2

I said:
'I now know for a FACT photos were taken of the demolition of our beloved pyramid...
I now know for a FACT where these photos might be...'
I now know for a FACT that a calamity has befallen...

Once upon a time a kind and noble man took some photos of the demolition of the pyry... but some swine lit a fire where they were stored which burned the photos and worse, other photos from those days of long ago of our beloved estate...
no-one lived happily ever after...but in the dying embers there was a light...a sliver of hope...noble Mensforth saw this and the light of hope still burns...


  1. Does nkmm stand for north kenton mad men?

  2. To be honest Im not 100% sure-was it North Kenton Mad Mob or North Kenton Mad Men?.....certainly it was one of the two...thanks for the comment

  3. NKMM - North Kenton Mad Mob
    NKAB - North Kenton Agro Boys
    NKCW - North Kenton Clock-Work
    NKBB - North Kenton Boot Boys

    Makes it all sound rather jolly eh?

  4. I think I saw a KBAB once, but it may have been a parody.

  5. What about NKRRB?

    North Kenton Rather Rough Boys - what a bunch of fucking faggots they all were eh theese various so called "gangs"? With their lace up Marten's and fucking silly spray paint names. Shit 'em all the fucking faggoty arse-bandits.

    LBAB Rules!

  6. Were not the 'Long Benton Aggro Boys' the same then?...

  7. There was some KBAB graffiti on the Byrness Close garages. This was in the late 80s but the graffiti was old by then.


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