Kenton School Tie

Shades posted a comment in reply to my 'Reversible PE top' post...I stand corrected by Shades and the master as to the colour being dark blue and apologise profusely...

Shades goes on to mention the Kenton School tie which has machinated mien mind to recall the tie in more detail...Kenton Bar School didn't have a uniform 30 years ago, nor did any of the schools then, so there was no ties worn until when you went to Kenton Comprehensive where one had to master the art of tying a tie...initially the fashion was to have the biggest knot possible that you could get away with, but by the time I left the knot had to be the smallest knot possible, due possibly to the mod revival (Jam, Merton Parkers, Secret Affair) but I digress:

My recollections of the tie are shameful and horrible...I remember all the ruffians from the bottom of Kenton Bar and their new horrible friends with nicknames ending in 'y' from Hillsview School developed a new 'game' to entertain their feeble minds at playtime...they would like wrap the tie round one rooker (hand that is) keeping the thumb up with the tie taut over the top of the thumb top aka a gun sight with the rest of the tie pulled straight by the other rooker away from the body and held by the tip of the tie betwixt other thumb and forefinger...the ruffians would then hunt down sensible types like me, or posh types from the top like snappy(see Kenton Bar Football Team 1974-5 post) or better still, ultra posh types from Kingston Park like Dropsy (see Kenton Bar Football Team 1974-5 post) and 'aim' the tie gun at their victim, preferably the ear, flicking the tie suddenly at their target in a whip like manner, causing it to make a sharp crack sound on impact...if the little end hit you it stung like hell...they became masters at this 'art', even feathering the little end of the tie to make it hurt more, like a cat of nine tails. The other 'sport' which they enjoyed was to hunt in pairs and pinch the tie off a sensible , posh or ultra-posh type...having succeeded in doing this they would spend the rest of playtime tying knots into their victims tie, then pulling the knot at tight as possible, both bounders pulling away on the tie aka a tug of war, then repeating the process(another knot tied then pulled tight then pulled tight aka tug of war) on and on ad-infinitum until the tie was just one big knot, un-untieable...this 'knot' was then tossed back with great relish to the weeping victim, who being unable to undo it, could not wear it and probably got belted for the horrible!

Nowadays they do not have to wear a tie at Kenton...I wonder why they stopped making it compulsory?...I seem to recall they stopped making it compulsory for girls whilst I was there which I felt was grossly unfair at the time... Shades, I would appreciate if you can get a complete photo of the tie to the master or the blog it will be added to this post :)


  1. I personally always had my tie done in a fashionable half Windsor knot.

  2. I have a photo of said tie, but unfortunately I am wearing it..looking most dapper I must say.circa 1975 me thinks.It's the obligatory photo that all had took but didnt have to purchase.It only shows the knot bit with the white stripes,tied in a
    rather loose fashion.If interested I will scan and send pour vous.
    The class forms as I remember went as follows;
    K being for the most brainiest and GN/GS for the thickies!..cruel but true.I was of course in K...but so too was Kenny Paxton!!!!!
    I still have some of my school reports all of which are splendeeeeeedo and signed by Mr Leighton, the head in the earlier days.

  3. The remedial class numbering is a residual reminder of how it was before this shheme was introduced in 1971. Before that there was LN, LS, LE, LW, CN. CS, CE, CW, GN & GS.

    The L stream was GCE ability, the C stream was CSE ability and the G stream for those unlikely to attain CSE. N,S E & W were simply North, South, East and West. I can remember a 1LR (where R was Remainder (or the rest) where there was more L stream kids than expected.

    When I started in 1969 (1LN) our class were split for languages. By my second year though, each class took the same language so 2LN did French, 2LS German. (I was "demoted" to 2LS). This continued for me through 3D, 4D and 5D. From memory, K & B did French, D & H did German, I don't know about the CSE stream.

  4. fancythat:
    we would love to have the photo and will post it up if you are ok with that, thank thou!
    please send as before to:

  5. Shades:re the letter 'G'...why?...why did they choose that letter?...and indeed also the 'C' and the'L'...this is an enigma code problem!...what is the pattern?...only the 'C' which you explain meant 'CSE' seemes logical to that case the 'G' should have been GSE, not'L'...

  6. Dunno. It could have been a totally frivolous reason, like first name initials of the first deputy heads.

    (I can't be arsed to dig out the opening brochure and stare at it).

  7. Shades how old be you?..I've looked at pic of your son, he really is a sweety...that's cos I'm a girlie and I would say that.This SITE REALLY IS BOY ORIENTATED..isnt it...but please dont forget the girls of kenton bar.As you are soooooooooooooo you remember the WOOL SHOP..twas only open for a while and run by Sylvia Grant...David Grants mam.God I remember the day when I heard about Daved being killed in a motor bike accident.Most disturbing.He was an only child to Sylvia and her Husband,whose name escapes me.They went on to concieve twins after Davids death..and are still together to this day..which is quite admirable.Also do you remember my friends house being demolished to make way for the????.I dont know.She's called Gillian Hall and lived in A farmhouse very near to the bridge.Any ideas?

    1. Hi Suzanne

      Might you be talking about the A696 Woolsington Bypass whih runs from top of Kenton Bar Estate to the airport? I negotiated and then bought all of the land required for the road scheme in my earlier days as a civil servant! Don't recall a farmhouse near the bridge though. I have replied to a few of your postings but I don't know if you are geting them. Perhaps one of the bods running this site can get in touch with you as I would really like to know how Steven is and
      also Russell and your mam.

    2. Hi - I have Suzanne's email somewhere - let me look it up. How would I get it to you?

    3. Hi Anon (Sep 17)
      This is 'Fancypants' brother (Steven). I have only just discovered the blog (altho Sooz did show me some stuff a couple of years ago)
      I am very well thanks and living in Ripley (near Derby)- spend a lot of time in Sheffield also..
      Have to say the blog is fascinating and utterly hilarious.. esp posts from El Patron/GOM/Bosnian - trying to work out who these characters are but havent sussed as yet!
      Be good to know who you are and how life is treating you....

    4. Bro Of Fancypants - we know you but you know not us - GoM, The Bosnian and El Patron will remain aloof from the public eye....... EP knoew your brother Russell and your Sister too. And your dog called Bob wasn't it? Black Labrador?

    5. Hi EP,
      My Dad was (and strangely still is..) 'Bob' although he was (and strangely still is..) homo sapien rather than canine ;)

      So, no dog but Sooz was allowed a hamster which may have been stolen from School..

      PS, Give us a clue as to your identities!

  8. PSSSSSS!...OY!...fancypants or whatever your name is!...this the ghost of tree of temptation 'ere, best mate of the ghost of old Mensforth!...wot you on about 'boy orientated?...checkout the post
    'Wednesday, May 12, 2010
    Games to play at Kenton Bar School circa 1976'...tells you bout wot games girls did at playtime dunnit? shadap and listen...your doin a geat job coming up with stuff for the blog lately, and contributin girly anecdotes an that, so keep up the good work..or else you'll feel the wrath of the ghost of the tree of temptation!...and get some more bloody girls from the good old days to write some that Lindsey one for instance! sod off!!!
    (Hope you watched'big brother'or you wont know what I'm on about! :)

  9. Fancythat, I was 11 in 1969 so you can work it out for yourself how ancient I am!

    We only lived on KB for about 2 years then moved to the Cheviot View Estate. Me Mam had Goldfinch for a couple of years after that though. Was the woolshop the one next to the offy? I have very slight memories of it.

  10. p.s. David isn't interested in girls (yet), he thinks they are weird. Oh, the innocence of youth...

  11. Dave Grant's dad was also called Dave...

  12. El Patron, NO!!! The black dog Bob belonged to the Campbells-he used to collect the golf balls on the field for michael campell remember? you dumkopff.....Josie, Stephen and Russell had nein dogs...


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