Thanks to Finn Wallace a mystery is solved....

Here is the famed Ben Turpin. And Turpin was named after him - does THIS mean then that Finn = Marmaduke Earwig?


  1. I wonder which was his stronger yeux(eye)? if it was his right eye he would be forever looking at his nose...if it was his left eye he would have seen the world...I wonder what his recollections of the beautiful architecture of Kenton Bar Estate are?...just his nose?...

  2. ha! funny as....
    i'm honoured, to both be remebered and given my own thread...
    As, finn, so, rightly explains, he nick named, me, after ben turpin, not " a dandy highwayman, your'e too scared to mention...."
    oddly, I have grown up, to look, exactly, like. this, photo - including , the hat , the 'tache and the proud use of the kenton bar, dog urinated, upon, dandelion, in, my lapel.
    I'm often found to be carrying white dog faeces, in the inside pocket of my dinner jacket, too..
    "you, don't see that, anymore..." I decry, to all and sundried...
    I remember, like it was yesterday... finn, reciting "hms, burp a slurp"...the ship - me,a six year old, squint victim, wearing, finns, hand me down, knickers - was supposed to of travelled on - with my BEN TURPIN, EYES.. to kenton bar.
    Finn, still renowned as a veritable , bard , ran, laughing, as I chased him round Dutchy's, brown ,ford ,mark 1, transit van, emblazoned in, baby poo, beige, "hollands landscaping".
    I bust his nose.
    He, properly, chinned, me (ha!)
    Thats why it stuck.
    mon yeux, c'est fantastique. anonymous.
    my left eye was "corrected" when i was nine.
    However, i'm proud to say my nose was broken, so, badly, in a fight , in nbh, that it got out of the way of me, looking down on the rest of the estate, from the upper echeylons of apperley avenue....( see, menzies inaccurate, map of mom, was the only tory, in kenton bar, i know, I delivered the papers.. - we, all joined the anti natzi league,when we were 10!
    I only wear ralph lauren's pant's, now.
    it's amazing what a kenton bar training, in, bullying, can get you....
    it takes a few proper, noogies, but, he gives them up, eventually.
    if sos's brother, mark, hadn't taught me, not to hit myself, i'd still be commando.


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