
Showing posts from August, 2011

Very Very Sad News – Another Ikon Is Gone…..

Dear Readers – I received the following distressing email from a kind contributor called “d” “Hi, Just to let you know that the Crofters Lodge [Kenton Bar Public House] is under demolition. Regards, D” Will the next target for these vicious thugs be our beloved estate itself?

Her Magnificence know no bounds….. 11th Picture of the 8th Wonder of The World

Here she is in her her magnificence. Culled from Facebook. I will try and get more……  

A rare picture indeed

A very rare picture of John from North Kenton News alongside Beefy the former chip shop owner.

Fast Food

When we were kids on our beloved Kenton Bar Estate there was actually no fast food option initially...if thou wanted fish & chips even, one had to go to North Kenton shops... but then Beefy( Tariq Aziz doppelganger ) opened the Kenton Bar Chippy after taking over the old now you could get fish and chips from either North Kenton Shops or Kenton Bar Shops...( I am sorry to say oh Beefy that the North Kenton fish & chip shop was far superior to yours, oh my brother )... now I remember when I was say 16... a mate of mine moved to London and I went down once...I remember going to McDonalds for the first time ever( there were no McDonalds in the UK apart from London ) and had a meal plus a 'root beer'...( 1980's ish...apparently you cannot get it(root beer) no more... ) the whole experience was amazing....American like..( get off your horse and drink your milk.. .) next came the kebab me and the master fell hook line and sinker for this,...