nine a day & dinosaurs

In response to mein master I give you return of the magnificent 7 post 4...
Now I was trying to remember what(if anything) we actually learned at school at Kenton Bar back in those days of long ago...all I remember was doing '9 a day'(or was it 7 or 5?) in maths which was a like little text book with 9 sums on a page(this was with Usher)...I also remember in the afternoons(apart from football) all you ever did was 'topic'...the teckas would say,'ok, its topic time, get out your topic books'...this did not involve any actual teaching(like the 9 a day did not) but involved you choosing your topic(I remember once choosing dinosaurs) and getting on with it, which involved getting books out the library, drawing/tracing dinosaurs, writing about them(copying out text from library books)
This went on month after month...9 a day & topic-for god sake we must have done more than that!...anyway that is all I remember doing at school...anyone else elaborate on the curriculum offered, or was that it?
The other odd thing is I have absolutely no recollection of school assemblies, which must have happened every day...did Mr Johnstone do them?what did he witter on about?...


  1. i wrote a big missive here but Google failed to complete my request, I must remember to use cut & paste more often...

    French, Recorders, Hymns, The Big Loudspeaker, Tapestries, daily Maths Test, 1/3rd Pint Milk, toilet monitors, Christmas Carols, half-Octagonal tables, Mats, long Forms, sticky out hall cupboard, listening to the Wireless in the Hall...

  2. the ultra posh from Kingston Park(Dropsy, Davies, Thirkeld, Riley)chose not to do dinosaurs as their topic...they all chose 'birds' as they were all obsessed with birds, they living on the edge of the countryside(usurping Kenton Bar Estate) and what with running amok in Duwana Woods doing man eating monkeys...they collected birds eggs, could identify all birds and Davies in particular was brilliant at mimicking birds...


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