
Perhaps slightly off topic but stimulated by anonymous's wonderful post(Kenton Bar 1967)...
he/she said:'Within a few years the pyramid had become a meeting place battleground for the local gangs of skinheads who would test the metal pressings in their Dr. Martin boots and Brogue shoes against each other to see who could wound the "enemy' the most.'...
now I think you refer to steel toe caps, not 'segs'... but initially I thought of 'segs'... this made me remember and think about segs, and the craving for segs in the late 70s..., these were usually put into 'rider boots', very fashionable in the late 70's....why?....the function of segs was to stop the wearing down of the sabog(shoe) sole, but became a fashion accessory for nadsats(teens) who likened the sound they made to spurs on the wild west cowboy essence the male equivalent of the click clacking high heeled noga of a beautiful devotchka if thou doth know what I mean...if not read the book 'Clockwork Orange' by Anthony Burgess...but I everyone wore them, deliberately smacking the hoof bit or front bit on the lovely pavements of Kenton Bar Estate in the hope of making a spark in addition to the lovely shoom of seg meeting pavement...hmmmm....
anyone else remember segs?


  1. Yes I remember segs and also riders of course. I myself preferred steel tips for the heels but no segs for the toes and soles as the buggers always fell out. I remember getting a new pair of riders, ox blood in colour and immediately taking them from the shop (Scorpio in the Green market at Eldon Square) to the cobblers shop on the first floor and getting the heels steel tipped. I wore them to go home and then christened them on Mensforth's sad little face. He still has the scars today mien fine friends.


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