
An anonymous reader posted a comment on the post 'Nicknames on Kenton Bar' concerning flies and one 'John Bullhead'...I thought it was hilarious and deserves a full post in its own right!...thank you anonymous!
Anonymous said...

'John bullhead-wirebull-horns'-I knew this chap...I remember once(and only once) going into his house after school(Kenton Comp) and that it was full of flies...bullhead whipped off his school tie and wrapped one end round his hand and began flicking the other end at the flies(bluebottles)...once he hit one, stunning it to the ground he then carefully picked it up by a wing and took it into the kitchen and put it on the an unlit gas ring on the top of his oven...next he turned on the gas, gasing the unconscious fly...finally he lit the ring incinerating the fly...he spent about an hour repeating this operation until all the flies were exterminated...

Incidently there is a post(Nov 2009) 'Kenton School Tie' which explains the art of 'tie flicking' in great depth...


  1. Ha ha - a golden nugget of a post from anonymous! This bastard once tried to piss through my letter box after we had been drinking my own home brewed wine...............

  2. Hyea man yu litl dafties...this is shocking leek...a'm gunna get on to the RSPA...(boot the flies!...)

  3. I heard that once the flies were fried up that the Bullhead clan used to eat them slightly salted as a snack to accompany beer.

  4. I remember one timeI was in Bullhead's lounge(the bottom room in the split levels)-he was painting using gloss paint the window frame-brown I recall(everything in his house was brown,including the clothes of the bullhead)anyway one of the ubiquitous bluebottle flies landed on the window frame he had just painted and got stuck-Bullhead immediately painted it brown so it became part of the window frame for ever, a large brown lump-Bullhead laughed his head off near at this dastardly deed... ha ha ha!

  5. He sounds like a most terrible fellow...

  6. I was once out drinking in the Duke with the Bullhead.It was winter.As we all(there was a big gang of us) lurched drunkenly up Kenton Lane and old man on a push bike came cycling up the road...drunken bull noticed him and shouted"Hello Bikey!" and pushed him and his bike over using his filthy foot..the frail frightened old man lay in a heap in a snow drift(fortunately it had been snowing).Bullhead laughed his head off near...as did the rest of us ha ha!

  7. this is a ghastly horrible tale...

  8. I find this fellow dark and disturbing...


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