Mental 10 & the big freeze 78-79

I have already alluded to 'the mental 10' and the antics of shameful ruffians in the post'8,9 and the mental 10' Sept 2009, but I remember another dreadful incident which still gives me nightmares to this day...if you recall the winter was the 'worst' for many years-but to the kids its was wonderful: snow, snow and more snow! Now I(Mr Kipling type voice here) of course, being a cubscout(I've already told you bout that)seized the opportunity to go animal tracking for badgers, foxes and other creatures or build harmless snowmen complete with a carrot for a nose, coals for buttons and a nice big smiley face topped off with an old hat and scarf and pipe donated by pa-pa...(stop Mr Kipling type voice now)however ruffians and bounders from down the bottom relished the opportunity to do the bad things with the snow, which I cant bare to mention here as it upsets me too much...suffice to say you can find out about them if you read other posts on the blog...anyway I digress...what happened in December 78 during this 'big freeze' was that a mental 10 broke down outside the Kenton Quarry had to be abandoned and was left there for several weeeks due to this 'big freeze'...Now everytime I went past it over subsequent days(On my way to 9th Gosforth cubs) I was horrified to note that vagabonds(No doubt members of the NKAB) gradually smashed all the windows and stripped it, stealing bits of it eg the seats(these were coverted for malchicks bedrooms oh my brothers) and even the WHEELS! yes oh my brothers they even took the poor buses wheels! how horrible! How do you think the bus felt eh, standing there semi nagoy(naked) what with no wheels, cruel malchicks(teens) pointing at it and laughing eh? Eventually the snows melted and the poor bus was rescued by noble firemen or some such type thank Bog...anyone else remember this?


  1. There was also a stranded bread van from Greggs that was quickly stripped of all value............


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