Geordie comments translated into queen's english

At the masters behest I translated these geordie comments as ordered:

Kenton Bar Ryal walk winter scene:
Hear man yu litl daftys
a fort yees sed awnly poshees livd it thu top? thu wonz in thu foto wiv oot thu fensis cannit uh been be posh can thu?idi its...
Excuse me you little fools but I thought you said only posh types lived at the top(of the estate)...the houses in the photo without the fences cannot have been posh can they, you idiots...

Camping out on Kenton Bar
hear man mensy, yu little dafty...I rememba wons aboot 100 of us camt oot doon from the plato...wu wo deeing back creep doon the back of ryle walk in the middl of the neet ind sumwon must uh foned the polis...the polis drov doon the paf from the cotajes up the top ind doon ontu the feeld and chased wu...wu wo runin al awa the plays man...thu chast wu al the way doon tu the skool ind wu jumt awa the wall ind ran of was pyua belta!
ha ha ha!
Excuse me Menforth(ghost of) you little fool I remember once about 100 of us camped out down from the plateau...we were doing 'backcreep' down the back of Ryal Walk in the middle of the night and someone must have phoned the police...the police drove down the path from the cottages at the top and down onto the field and chased us...we were running all over the place...they chased us all the way down to the school and we jumped over the wall and ran was brilliant...

New picture of Kenton Bar...stolen from facebook
cudnt the riff-raff from doon the bottum aford cula camraz? sez 73-74 on the baal...the kenton Bar skool foto is 73-74 and is in cula!...the litl tramps...
Couldn't the riff-raff from down the bottom afford colour cameras?...says 73-74 on the football...the kenton bar school photo is 73-74 and is in colour..the (ruffian expletive)...
Here man, ya little dafty, ha yu got nee iyz?...nen of them is werin wite shorts, thems werin black shorts al exept Taggy hooz in es y fronts ha ha ha! man, them cudnt affad 11 pairs of shorts like, (ruffian expletive)...
Excuse me you little fool have you got no eyes?..non of them is wearing white shorts, they are wearing black shorts all except Taggy who is is in his 'y' fronts ha ha ha! excuse me, they couldnt afford 11 pairs of shorts(ruffian expletive)
aye, ya crist sake sum won get that menforth fella back...its deeing me nappa in!
yes you are right...for christ's sake some one get that Menforth chap back...its doing my head in!
aye, ah rememba wen kenny the pesunt come tu the skool disco werin ees skool uniform-he had gon yem tu change but ees mutha was oot ind e cudnt get in the e comed to the disco werin ees skool uniform ha ha ha! e was cryin ees eyes oot cos we was aal poyntin ind laffin at im ha ha ha!
yes, I remember when Kenny the Peasant came to the school disco wearing his school uniform-he had gone home to change but his mother was out and he couldn't get in the he came to the disco wearing his school uniform ha ha ha! he was crying his eyes out because we were all pointing and laughing at him ha ha ha!


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