Dens & the Mastermind

I have already alluded to dens in a comment in the post 'Leeches Pond(August 2009):The vietcong tunnel and den complex was as I said built by the posh kids from the top and designed by a mastermind who's name I forget. It was painstakingly constructed with a huge front room sized mainchamber with a corrigated iron roof totally concealed under peat cut from the swamplands. You accessed via a small hole leading to a tunnel which led to the main chamber(The entrance hole also cunningly camouflaged with a peat clump. I seem to recall that it was only discovered after a tractor drove over the complex and collapsed the roof, the tractor dropping into the hole and rendered useless as a tractor,and the den rendered useless as a den...'

aside and of interest: mensforth recommended reading:

The Tunnels of Cu Chi: A Harrowing Account of America's "Tunnel Rats" in the Underground Battlefields of Vietnam(by Tom Mangold and Tom Pennycat)

Nevertheless I think that the subject(of dens) deservs a post in its own right...
There were many places you could build a den on Kenton Bar Estate...the open space/field to the north of the shops and Pyramid round the back of the 'flats on stilts' and at the back of the garages on Reestones for instance became at one point a wild field of metre high wild corn and a most basic den like a hare 'form'could easily be constructed...then there were the ubiquitous cornfields, to the north west of the estate at that time, where a more substantial den could and would be constructed...However I remember me and the L-a-a-a-m-b-s-y-s built a 'den' near the back of the old farmhouse and council yard mentioned before on the blog somewhere...we used corrigated iron, which for some reason was easily found round the back of the old farmhouse, and we extended it into the trees with a lookout tower accessible via a rope bit like Bart Simpsons tree house! we had hours of fun there, putting in old mattresses etc...but as mentioned in paragraph one, the ultimate den was designed by the 'mastermind' from up the top whos name I cant recall..I just get the letter 'j' in mein head for some reason...
Now note this...this 'Mastermind' did not just build the ultimate den for the sheer hell of it...there was a Fagan like dark side to the purpose...but I wont continue the tale unless a posh type like Britt or any other posh type who may remember unlocks it via the comments...suffice to say it revolved around a crimewave...with many of the posh types all in it up to the hilt!!!...shocking eh?!
In the meantime,anyone else remember building dens as a kid on Kenton Bar Estate and where?...and why!


  1. I knew a couple of lads built one in the hedges alongside Hillsview where we used to go Blackberry picking.

    It was probably about 4' x 5' x 5' deep with a smaller access hole covered by a big ply sheet disguised with soil and grass growing on it.

    They mainly used it for hiding contraband, i.e. hilti charges for the builders nail guns knocked off from the big huts on the verge near the pyramid.


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