The shoes

Mein goot friends...
I remember back in those days of glorious youth I used to walk every day across the fields up by the step pyramid on Hartburn Walk round the back of Madge's flats up by the hedge path to Kenton Comprehensive...back and forth went I, and those fields were often waterlogged...I recall a time when both my shoes had holes in them on the outsole and this meant that if I walked across the field the water seeped into them, a most unpleasant sensation that had to be endured all day at school...
So why did you not get your parents to buy you new ones I hear you ask?...Shall I tell you why?...because I was not from the top end of the estate and was not posh and such extravagance could not be entertained...'make do and mend' was the stern finger wagging repost from my M&P...(mater and pater-mam and dad)...what was your humble narrator to do?...
Suddenly it came to me:cut off some hoof heels from an old pair of shoes and glue them on the outsole of the holed sabogs!(shoes)...
this I did with alacrity, triumphantly using state of the art'superglue' which had just come out at that time...
Next day I went to Kenton Comp school across the field with no problems, beaming smiles to one and all, full of bonhomie and full of the joys of , no waterlogged sabogs, no unpleasant sensation...yet I had to endure ridicule and cruel laughter at having two heels on each sabog, but so what...
however, after going home via the fields this 'new glue' could not cope and tragically water seeped in once again,one hoof heel on the outsole coming totally undone and the other half undone flapping off most disconcertingly...after that I could not bare to go back to school to face being called 'hoof heels' by horrible types from down the bottom and ex Hillsy types from horrible I left school at 15...
I bet your crying now at this dreadful sad tale eh?...


  1. Bosnian, me and you need to have words...whose to blame?...not me... my cruel heartless tight parents damm you!...make do and mend?...piffle!...

  2. Mi Mam once persuaded me to go to school in some vaguely boot-like shoes of hers. The bad lads started chanting "Mummy's Boots! Mummy's Boots!".

    I didn't make that mistake again.

  3. I remember getting rider brogues from marden saddlery in the Green Market - wore them for school (along with my wrangler wool jumper (remember when they were in fashion along with Pods!!!)and thought I was the dogs bolloocks!

  4. I used to get my riders from Scorpio - downstairs from Marden saddlery in the green market.


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