Lesser mortals 6-'Pea'

Pea has been discussed in the 'Kenton Bar Football Team 1974-75 post, and you can find his photo there... having ruminated upon him I deem him worthy of the accolade of 'Lesser Mortal 6'...arise Sir Pea!
Pea used to come up to you at playtime and adopt a most aggressive stance(head slightly cocked to one side, feet planted firmly apart, fists clenched to the side staring right into your eyes and say(in a menacing half tongued geordie tone)'Sultan?...Sultan?...
Now what he meant by this was'Are you insulting me?...Are you insulting me? He would wait a few seconds then suddenly shout 'KEEEEEEEEMON!!!!!(Meaning 'COME ON!) and lean forward so his torso was horizontal and attack you with his flaying whirling fists...Pea never tired of this 'sport', but we did...
Why he was called'Pea' I dont know...was he addicted to eating peas?...did he have a bladder problem?...did he know all his alphabet except the letter'p'when singing the alphabet song in class?...
answers to the master!


  1. Sounds like [Pea] Mullen you are talking about who was a horrible little bully who I stopped from hitting a another boy over the head with a small boulder whilst at KBJS one day.

    He obviously took exception to this and if memory recalls correctly his older brother called me out after school at the park at the top of both our streets and I sorted him out! Tough kid mind, but he wasn't going to beat me.


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