
Goot evening tumbleweed town...
Do you know...
When we used to play football at Kenton Bar Primary School(which we did every playtime and dinnertime) we never used to play on the actual pitch, but rather on the grass bit to the left side of the yard, that is to say the bit which ran north south bordered by the ha ha ditch on Hartburn(what the hell does that mean Shades...'ha ha ditch?)to the north,the fence to the east leading to the flats where Madge the wonderfull Sherry drinker lived, leading to the open bit south to the plateau('right lads, up and down the plateau...'(Mr Lawrence)
Why was this I wonder? those glorious distant days of halcyon youth there was no fence blocking off the pitch nor indeed access to the whole Kenton School why did we play on that bit of unlevelled ground and not on the actual school football pitch?...I recall not...but I would like to(know)...


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