The Plateau

Here is a front view of the old original plateau now. This is what Lawrence, Bell and co made us run up and down for years and years...HoweverI remember one time a gang of about 100 nadsats from the estate to the west who I have already mentioned Kenton Bar was 'at war' with 'conquered' the plateau and sat on it waiting to see what the nadsats from Kenton Bar would do about it...word spread like wildfire on the estate, and everyone climbed up on the flat roofs to see what would happen(I have previously mentioned people would climb up on the flat roofs to sunbath, throw snowballs and watch concord (once)) I recall being amazed at the sight of a)100 nadsat invaders sitting up on the plateau on our manor and b) hundreds of people, not just nadsats but adults also being up on the roof staring at them!(I lived in a bungalow at the time) I cant recall what happened next...probably the invader nadsats just slunk away in fear at the appearance of the 'Kenton Bar Boys' in tartan kilts and dweely boppers ha ha ha!(see 'kenton bar boys'blog post) Anyway, in the Lord of the Rings film, when the orcs discover the 9 members of the fellowship of the ring are travelling in the mines of moria and all come rushing out/down the pillars hell for was like that: we were like the bloody orcs(but up onto the flat roofs!)


  1. Those PE teachers at Kenton were sadistic, torturing, swines. After a lovely Christmas of binge drinking and gorging on turkey and chocolate they used to make us run around the school field and then up and down the town moor up to the flats at Cowgate. They should never be forgiven.

  2. The blog received an email:
    'When I was at kenton there was a fellow called surtees...he from mountfield and ran for ever...won the race every time...he was like a young gazelle...'


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