More on the 'E's at the ruins

I have it on good authority from some riff raff that the metal 'E's were much coverted by the 2 rival gangs of nadsats from Kenton Bar and a neighbouring estate that were at 'war' at that time-the 'campaign' started every summer, with a 'lull' in Autumn and Winter(bit like Afghanistan now) The 'theatre of war' was usually in the fields around Leeches Pond and along the old path that still exists next to the ruins. This was the'no man's land' between the two estates(Now it has all gone and is all new housing) Each gang would desperately attempt to annex the ruins in an attempt to gain control of 'E' ammo which could then be hurled at the enemy aka kung fu stars. The beermat thin E's would make a whoomph! whoomph! whoomph! incoming sound as they whirled through the air and could obviously be seen and avoided in the daytime, but as these wars were usually waged on an evening and went on into the nochy in the pitchblack they were not visible and the warriors had to rely on ooko's(ears)only to avoid possible pain and agony. The alarm cry of 'EEEEEEEE's! EEEEEEEE's! was creeched out and the warriors would throw themselves down, skorry like, covering their gulliver with their rookers all a tremble, praying to Bog spare their miserable lives till danger past...
Here is an E(note they were not red but rust metal colour) and a view of the footpath looking west, where this dreadful stupidity occured...
I suppose if you took a metal detector to the ruins you could still find loads of them buried in the ground!


  1. I doubt kids these days could be arsed to have a good punch up with the neighbours - it's all that new labour shite about loving each other and that - it has dulled their fucking brains in my view. Apart from the fact that instead of throwing E's they are E'ed up or worse. Lazy bastards.

  2. Master,
    I disagree...its just that kids today have got what they think are 'better' things to do with their time like playstations, x boxes, DS's etc on their own indoors in their rooms...they dont play out anymore...


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